

Hi.  My name is Leanne Lieu and my computer and primary e-mail account had been hacked.  The novel that I had been working on for four months was stolen late October 2014.  It had over 1000 pages of writing, research, and translation.  I left a kind message for it to be returned, and had been waiting.  It was worth a try.  So now I will publish my novel through here for free. 

This blog has evolved beyond my novel, Elle’s Adventure in China; now I post current events that are related to China from reputable news sources. Topics vary, but topics that are more popular or concerning happens with time, such as protests in Hong Kong. When I spot a positive story, I post it, especially since most of what I seem to post are interesting but there is always some concern for normal people, like you and me. Mostly I refrain from my opinion because these articles are supposed to inform you so you can form your own opinions.

Protect Yourself

Here are some ways to protect yourself.


Complicated passwords. Put complicated passwords on your important documents and e-mail and social media accounts.  Good or hard passwords are at least 20 characters long consisting of

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters (hAHa)
  • Numbers (1234567890)
  • Symbols (!@#$%^&*()_+-=,./)
  • Using a long phrase as your password that only you know (helps to alter it to contain the factors listed above)

Changing your passwords frequently – such as every three months – is also a good way to protect yourself.

Bad passwords. Bad passwords are passwords that make it easy for others to hack your accounts.  Bad ones are

  • Less than 20 characters long and do not consist of what I listed above
  • The name of a pet, loved one, etc. that can easily be found through your social media account(s)
  • Using the same password for every account


Updates: check your updates! If your computer or program is not updated frequently, it gives hackers the opportunity to find a security flaw and take advantage.  I recommend checking for updates, download the ones you need, and install them.  Those updates are useless if you do not install them.

Russian Malware

According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), turning your internet router off and turning it back on stops the malware from interfering with your web browsing, collecting your info., and possibly disabling your device.  Then change your Wi-Fi passwords.  An estimated 500,000 routers in 54 countries were infected by the malware.

Five Tips to Keep Your Phone Safer from Hackers

After Jeff Bezos’s (Amazon CEO) phone was hacked, here are five tips to protect your phone.  A couple on the list seem old-school, but still relevant and necessary.

  1. Don’t “jailbreak” your phone and install dubious apps.  “Jailbreak” is to alter your phone so you can install often questionable apps from non-mainstream app stores.  By jailbreaking your phone, you are making it easier for hackers to get into your phone, look at everything your phone contains, as well as everything you’ve saved digitally (passwords to bank and email accounts, cloud, etc.)
  2. Install all operating system updates.  App developers are also trying to keep up with hackers, so install updates on your apps.  Phones that are five years and older usually don’t receive updates for their phones anymore, so it’s vital to update apps to keep your info. as protected as possible.
  3. Beware of questionable links and attachments.  Apps with messaging capabilities, such as Facebook and Instagram, could contain messages with links and attachments from hackers.  Once you click on the link or download the attachment, it compromises your phone.  Moreover, hackers can hack an account of someone you know and trick you into clicking on those links and downloading those attachments, as well as trick you into giving your personal info.  Furthermore, hackers can hack into your phone, get into your bank account, change your phone number and passwords to a phone number the hacker controls, and you can’t get in.
  4. Protect yourself from SIM-swap attacks.  Don’t use your phone as a way to verify your identity.  A SIM-swap attack is when a hacker takes control of your phone number and steals/controls all your personal info.  Hackers can trick the phone company by saying that you lost your phone and need to transfer your phone number to the phone that the hacker controls.  Once the hacker has your number, they can do whatever they want, because your phone number is linked to many or all of your accounts, and many companies use your phone number as a way to verify your identity.  Experts suggest to use two-step verification with an app or hardware key (a piece of hardware that connects into the USB port of your computer, and it will run only if it contains the appropriate code).
  5. Be weary of public Wi-Fi when travelling abroad.  When connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, and it prompts you to download something, such as an app, don’t do it.

Phones are getting more and more difficult to hack.  However, once a hacker gets in your phone, everything in you have is much more vulnerable.  They could send malicious links to everyone in your contact list, and they, too, can be hacked.  By protecting yourself, you are protecting others.

My Novel – Elle’s Adventure in China (EACh)

I have not even finished my novel, let alone decide on a title.  My original title is Across an Ocean, and I decided to keep it until I messed-up the process for changing my web address, so now I cannot have it.  It is about an educated American named Elle who is already in China for a job teaching English after college.  The very famous and talented singer, song-writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, JZ, scours the country for her, at first to get her into bed, but her resistance shows him that he wants more than just sex in the short time he gets to know her.  He soon hires her as his newest song-writer and you all will see how he (and she) uses her employment to his (and her) advantage, and read what she produces.

Genre.  Since the beginning, I had trouble deciding on the genre.  I thought I would classify it as “adventure,” but since the main characters do not really go anywhere for the majority of what I had written, I felt it was misleading.  Then I thought I would determine this novel mainly as “romance,” but romantic feelings are more often one-sided than mutual.  Readers, you can determine what genre it fits in most.  I know that it has a bit of everything: action, adventure, romance, drama, humor, etc.

Goal.  My goal for this novel is to educate my readers in what modern China is like, on Chinese culture, and how similar the West and China are, to hopefully bridge the cultural gap between the West and China.  (If you find mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them, and much appreciated in advance.)  Please read this novel with a grain of salt.  Most of what I have written so far takes place in JZ’s studio and most of the people involved are his employees – people hire others they like, and they tend to like people who are like themselves.

Moreover, I would also like EACh to be the springboard for people who do not like to read.  I did not like to read up until a professor suggested a book for an assignment.  I read it and enjoyed it so much that afterwards I would read for pleasure.

Writing. EACh starts out rough, like trying to slide on pebbles.  Now that I think I am a better writer, I keep Book 1 the way it is originally to show my readers that my writing has improved as the trilogy goes on.

Recommendations: It starts out slow, like all the movement tectonic plates make before they collide and cause a really strong earthquake.  Big stuff starts happening on Book 1, chapter 10, part 5.

Book 1, Chapter 12, part 8 is a little funny and recaps that chapter.

Book 2, chapter 1, part 1 will immediately grip you.


23 thoughts on “About”

    1. Thanks for your sympathy. If something that bad ever happens to you, the steps might look like this:

      1. Anger/Revenge
      2. Grief
      3. Talk about it
      4. Anger/Revenge
      5. Be productive

      That’s what it looked like for me.

      Leanne Lieu


      1. Some of us just need some pointers :). Thanks for liking so many of my posts! Have you considered reading the first chapter? I’ve been told that the story is slow (“nothing really happens until chapter 10”). Would you like to come back and read chapter 10?

        I’m coming to your site in a few minutes.

        Thanks again 🙂

        Leanne Lieu

        Liked by 1 person

  1. The comments closed on that Daily Post thread, so I thought I’d post here.

    Thanks very much for the recommendations – I’ll see what I can find at my local library. I’d tend to just pick up books more at the popular history end of the spectrum, so I’m not too confident about finding some of them.

    Susan Whitfield seems fairly possible though. I’ll see what I can find …

    There is a History of Japan podcast series that I downloaded a while back but didn’t get round to listening to. In the meantime, I may start into that.

    Thanks again,


    1. I totally understand the popularity of some histories than others, which is why I gave you everything I have, not knowing where they were available. Borrowing from the local library is always my tactic for a young person without a stable job and the increasing cost of certain books. But if you have the money to buy, I recommend Ebrey, Cook and Cook, and Peebles since they’re primary sources. Cook and Cook is super rare, the first of its kind. Murphey is expensive, so I think you can get older versions for about $20 but that’s expensive for me.

      It’s good that you’re considering the history of Japan podcast that you haven’t got the time for in the past. You strike me as an older person, mid-40s. If you’re into anime and manga, I can recommend some that are popular that get at Japanese culture and the time period that it applies to. Did you know people can be experts in anime and manga?

      It’s my pleasure to get others not formerly interested or involved in Asia in general to have an interest in Asia.


      Leanne Lieu
      From a person deprived of her own culture by the dominant society.


      1. Ha! I’m in my mid-20s. I have plenty of friends into Japanese culture – and, though I could take or leave a lot of it, I do like some of the more psychedelic music (there’s a very good book called Japrock by Julian Cope).

        I meant popular as opposed to academic. I do have a decent job, but I would rarely buy academic texts – the cost is just outrageous even for second hand. Libraries are a much more sensible route – I got through university just using them.


      2. 😀 I hope you’re not offended that I thought you were *cough cough* a little older. I took the “stack of books” literally, and most people who like hardcopies are older people. I prefer hardcopies since they don’t strain my eyes as much as the computer screen when I’m reading for a long time.

        As for Julian Cope, I hate his title since it has the three-letter J-word. How about showing some sensitivity, Cope?

        What’s the difference between popular and academic history? I guess I’ve only had academic history, would you care to enlighten me?


      3. Tbf he was sort of apologetic about the title – it’s a play on ‘Krautrock’, another term that is vaguely offensive in origin but now generally accepted in use for experimental German music on the same era. He wrote a very influential book on that, so the title followed on.

        It’s not well defined really. Popular history is generally aimed at a wider readership rather than other academics or people on courses, and therefore has larger print runs and lower prices. It also tends towards a narrative style.


      4. I can’t believe I forgot to apologize in my previous comment! Sorry. I’m in my 20s also but I feel old since senior citizens are more capable on the internet than I am.

        I can barely be lenient toward Cope. I saw that it was published in 2007, so a very long time since WWII. But East Asians have faced terrible racism in the U.S. despite its occupation in those countries. I could imagine plenty of hate toward Germans after the Holocaust, but I never heard about it in school and didn’t read about it later on. I just assumed there was. But I didn’t think there was much immigration of Germans into the U.S. after Hitler’s regime fell. Going back to Cope’s title, he should’ve went with the mainstream with “JRock” of various spellings and connections, like K-pop.

        All I can think of what is popular in the U.S. is the Am. Rev., Civil War, and WWII. Any examples of books in popular history? I have an excellent library system in my city.


      5. I’m from the UK (and we’re by no means free of problems) but I have often been shocked by how unchallenged racism towards Asians in the U.S seems to be.

        One of my personal favourites would be Rubicon by Tom Holland. It’s on the end of the Roman Republic, and just does a lot of things very well with a great story.

        (I’m going to be off wordpress over Christmas, so this might be my last reply. Thanks so much for the suggestions and the advice!)


      6. Yeah, unfortunately racism still exists in the U.S. I recently wrote a response to someone else who (IMO) have faced racism in the UK (you can find it in this week’s pool if you have the time, her name is Ritu). In actuality, it depends on where you live in the U.S. In some places, the root of hatred is deep, in others, lots of people are welcoming and knowledgeable and want to know more, some are even jealous they weren’t born into our culture. I have a young friend who wishes she was Chinese. If it’s not so insincere, I would like to know if racism is still present in the UK and how extensive it is. England had slavery and ended it; I’m sure they took in refugees after “the attacks.” England occupied India (and unified it) and I think they occupied some of China as well after the Opium Wars. I know they teamed up with France to burn the Summer Palace (or was it the Winter Palace). Some English history from the English perspective would be helpful – knowledge is power.

        Just checked my library system: 2 editions, 12 copies total. Just thought I’d rub that in your face. I understand when you wrote that it gets reprinted more often (one is in 2003 and the other in 2005).

        I edit other people’s works on the side so I can’t help it with those minor issues. Did I offer advice?

        Have fun! I recently read another Englishman’s blog and he wrote about Christmas traditions in the UK. Don’t visit Santa in fake snow to get disappointed.


      7. As to how prevalent racism is in the UK, that would depend who you ask.

        Immigration and membership of the EU has been an everpresent issue for the last few decades, and it’s flared up again at the minute with the rise of a political party called UKIP.
        They insist that it’s not a racial/xenophobic issue and that they have economic and legal issues – but that’s not very convincing when their candidates keep getting caught out making offensive comments.

        There would still be some institutional issues with things like police stop and search rates, but thankfully it’s not as heated as the US at the moment. Partly it would be a generational thing – certainly UKIP draws most (but not all) support from older men – and things are improving but it’s still present, even among younger people.

        I’m no expert, but there’s a huge amount of comment articles in newspapers and magazines out there if you’re interested (The Guardian, The Independent and New Statesman on the left, and The Telegraph, The Times and The Spectator on the right). Some of them may get bit over the top but it would help give a picture of things.


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